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On 17 September 2016, 16 devotees from Malaysia arrived at the Dehradun Ashram to celebrate Shri Babaji’s 62nd Birthday. This is an annual ‘Yatra’ or pilgrimage for many of the devotees who have never missed the opportunity to celebrate the Birthday of their Living Yogi.

Shri Babaji’s Birthday celebration commenced on 19 September 2016 with an Abhishegam in the morning. Babaji conducted the bathing ceremony for Lord Ganesha, the Shivalingam and Shri Swamiji’s statue.

In the evening the devotees participated in the Patha Pooja ceremony for Shri Babaji. Thereafter, Shri Ram Babu, the Working Chairman of the Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogi Trust paid tribute to Babaji whom he said has worked tirelessly to spread the teachings of his Master, Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj in India and in other countries. The day ended with a bandhara (mass feeding) held on the Ashram grounds.

The birthday celebrations on the 20th September 2016 began with one hour of meditation, followed by the Ghantharva Maha Agni Hotra ceremony. Thereafter, Babaji launched two new CDs’; Vibuthi Sundaram, in dedication to his Divine Guru Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogi and Nirvana Pushpam which is a collection of ancient compositions.  All the devotional songs in both the CDs’ are sung by Babaji himself.

The main event of the day on 20th September 2016 was held in the evening on the Ashram grounds. A large crowd of devotees gathered to pay homage to their Beloved Guru and seek His Blessings. Everybody present enjoyed the beautiful bhajans sung by the local devotees and those from abroad. At the end of this auspicious ceremony, devotees were served with a sumptuous dinner.

On the morning of the following day, 21 September 2016, devotees together with Babaji travelled to Haridwar. This is one of the highlights of  our annual visit to Dehradun – to partake in the holy dip in the waters of the Ganges. Babaji performed the ceremony of pouring the holy water on each and every devotee, totaling some 100 devotees. Lunch was then served on the bank of the Holy Ganges. The devotees spent time and participated in conversations and a “question and answer session” with Babaji. Bhajans were also sung, followed by a group photograph taken together with Babaji.

On the early morning of 22 September 2016, after paying their respects to Babaji, the Malaysian devotees flew home. Thus, ended another beautifully blessed and joyous Birthday celebration of our Living Yogi, Baba Shiva Rudra Bala Yogi Maharaj.

Jai Shivabalayogi

Jai Shiva Rudra Bala Yogi



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