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Radio Interview with Shri Babaji – Live

There will be a wonderful opportunity to listen to Shri Babaji answering questions in a live radio interview with Laurie Day, a long time devotee from America.

The interview will be at the link below:

Laurie will be asking such questions as: “What happens to the soul when the body dies?” “What is real love? How do we keep our hearts open?” Is it good to pray? How do we pray effectively?” “What is karma?” “What are the signs that let us know we are making spiritual progress?” “Will You speak about the wonders of the infinite?”

The live broadcast will start at midday, US Pacific Coast time on 24 May (starting at 8pm).

In Malaysia, it would be on 25/5/2011 at 3am

Once the interview has been broadcasted it will be made available at .

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