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P.E.A.C.E. Program with MySkills Foundation Malaysia – Batch 6

The P.E.A.C.E. Module – a transformative program towards self-mastery, developed from the teachings of Swamiji and Babaji, was designed for the current generation to lead and empower themselves towards collective excellence. The program provides systematic transformative tools and techniques that help to change and re-engineer oneself towards successful life endeavors.

P.E.A.C.E. is a transformative formula that has proven encouraging results in shaping one’s life and guiding towards sustain able leadership success.

This 6 to 9 month program was first introduced to the students of MySkills Foundation Malaysia in January 2013 with the aim to help the students discover themselves and lead a peaceful, happy life. In February 2018,we commenced this program for the 6th batch of students from MySkills Foundation Malaysia. A total of 71 students between the ages of 13 to 19 successfully completed the program in October 2018.

Significant changes and marked improvement in the attitudes and social behaviors of the students were noted by the coaches as well as the Management Team of MySkills Foundation. The students, who came as restless and aimless beings, transformed into more constructive, obedient and grateful people. Their attitudes towards life became more positive and they discovered that there was more to life than being destructive. Their self-discovery was tremendous.The students’ feedback on the program was enlightening. Many realized that life without a purpose was not a peaceful life and when their purpose was clear, their actions were right, productive and meaningful. They shared that there was a definite need for emotional balance in their lives and having care and embrace for others lightened their hearts and gave them inner peace.



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