Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj Trust Ashram in the benign presence of Shri Shiva Rudra Balayogi Maharaj.
As devotees gathered and celebrated Guru Purnima by paying homage to Guru Maharaj Shivabalayogi, all over the world in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, USA and UK, devotees in Dehra Dun celebrated in the physical presence of Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi. Devotees performed Pada puja, in which lotus feet of Guru is washed with water and flowers offered.
Babaji has never tried to impose one particular protocol ritual to pay reverence to the Guru on all groups except for a few like performing of Arati which is coming as legacy since Adi Guru’s times. Babaji has respected the fact that different cultures may have different way of showing reverence. Babaji has emphasised that a reverence is important for students so that they take Guru’s teachings seriously and practice the methods of sadhanarecommended.
After Padapuja, devotees sang beautiful bhajans. Later Baba Maharaj spoke and paid rich tributes to Guru Maharaj Shivabalayogi. Baba talks of Shivabalayogi, dreams of Shivabalayogi, talks of grace, compassion and love of Shivabalayogi, is guided by Shivabalayogi, Baba is immersed in attention to Shivabalayogi. Baba does not need any certificate from anyone, it is simply Baba’s nature.
Babaji remembered the beautiful message Swamiji conveyed through His life and amazing teachings Swamiji imparted, through conversations, answers to questions, stories, Tattwasutras (Words about Ultimate Truth), practical training and ‘do or die’ type of making Baba to do sadhana.
Baba conveyed love and respects to all brother, sister disciples and devotees. Baba mentioned in is upadesha (teachings) talk about brother, sister devotees of all the worlds. Baba spoke about the soubhagya (Fortune) of all devotees of Shri Guru Maharaj Shivabalayogi, manifestation of The Divine. Baba said Shri Swamiji emphasised doing sadhanato achieve own experience about the truth. Baba said Shri Swamiji’s blessings are always there for all devotees.